How to make stick ice cream with different flavors

In ice cream plant, how to achieve mixed flavor ice cream? We can make several variations in the manufacturing process. For example, one-third of the mold can be filled with one flavor, partially frozen, a-nd a second flavor added to make two-thirds of the volume, a-nd finally another third of a different flavor can be layered on top prior to stick in-sertion. There is another instance that be called shell a-nd core freezing. In this type of stick novelty the outside has a different flavor a-nd product than the inside. This is achieved by filling the mold with one flavor a-nd allowing that flavor to freeze along the inner edges of the mold, the unfrozen mix is aspirated from the mold followed by the filling of a second flavor or type of product. Freezing, sticking, demolding, a-nd packaging then continues after these stages. By controlling the extent of product frozen in the mold prior to aspiration of the unfrozen mix different thicknesses of flavors can be achieved.