Ice Cream Filling Machine Introduction
How is the ice cream filled into containers (cups, cones, a-nd so on) ? In ice cream plant we use ice cream filling machines, like linear ice cream filling machine, rotary ice cream filling machine, callipo filling machine, a-nd etc.
1. Linear ice cream filling machine is multifunctional filling equipment that can fill ice cream with multiple heads through intermittent rectilinear movement. It mainly produces cone ice cream, cup ice cream, cornetto ice cream, container ice cream, rotary ice cream, double colo, triple color ice cream, jam ice cream, chocolate ice cream, plane cutting products. High quality linear ice cream filling machine uses manipulator with functions of automatic cup falling, cup arraning, cover adding, cover pressing, feeding, ect. Adopts PLC compter control a-nd mechanical compoud control.
2. Rotary ice cream filling machine specially designed for filling ice cream like cones, cups, single, dual-colored fancy novelties of ice cream such as topped novelties, spiral novelties. Its multiple functions include automatically dispersing containers, lid-pressing for cones(paper lid, plastic lid), heat sealing paper lid for paper cups, printing the produce date.
General working process of rotary ice cream filling machine:
Dispense cup/cone -> First filler -> secondary Spiral filling -> spray chocolate -> add nuts -> lid both for cone or cup -> print date -> push out products.
3. Callipo filling a-nd sealing machine is a simple machine for fill ice cream or liquid ice water into callipo tube with different capacity.
More information about ice cream a-nd ice cream machines, welcome browse: SNOWBALLMACHINERY
1. Linear ice cream filling machine is multifunctional filling equipment that can fill ice cream with multiple heads through intermittent rectilinear movement. It mainly produces cone ice cream, cup ice cream, cornetto ice cream, container ice cream, rotary ice cream, double colo, triple color ice cream, jam ice cream, chocolate ice cream, plane cutting products. High quality linear ice cream filling machine uses manipulator with functions of automatic cup falling, cup arraning, cover adding, cover pressing, feeding, ect. Adopts PLC compter control a-nd mechanical compoud control.
2. Rotary ice cream filling machine specially designed for filling ice cream like cones, cups, single, dual-colored fancy novelties of ice cream such as topped novelties, spiral novelties. Its multiple functions include automatically dispersing containers, lid-pressing for cones(paper lid, plastic lid), heat sealing paper lid for paper cups, printing the produce date.
General working process of rotary ice cream filling machine:
Dispense cup/cone -> First filler -> secondary Spiral filling -> spray chocolate -> add nuts -> lid both for cone or cup -> print date -> push out products.
3. Callipo filling a-nd sealing machine is a simple machine for fill ice cream or liquid ice water into callipo tube with different capacity.
More information about ice cream a-nd ice cream machines, welcome browse: SNOWBALLMACHINERY