What is High Quality Ice Cream
There are many factors influence the quality of ice cream. Including the appearance(package, color, etc), flavor, body a-nd texture, melting quality, the overall acceptability of the product by consumers, a-nd etc.
1. The Appearance
The first thing to attract customers is appearance. It may be the appearance of the package, or it may be the color a-nd shape of the ice cream in the serving dish on the table. Appearance of the package is important, because obviously if the package is not attractive to prospective customers, they will even not buy it. The quality of the ice cream itself will never be e-valuated if the package does not attract interest.
The appearance of ice cream also includes the ice creams color. It has a marked psychological effect on acceptability of foods of all types, a-nd ice cream is no exception. Making our ice creams look delicious, it is a good start. Once the appetite is whetted a-nd a delightful flavor is anticipated, consumers are psychologically ready for a delicious taste sensation. But we can not only pay attention to appearance, the flavor is important too. If the flavor is not up to expectations, consumers will be disappointed a-nd will consider the product to be of poor quality.
2. Melting Quality
There is a minor factor affect the appearance - how the ice cream melts down (melt-down), it is normally noticed only in extreme cases - either adversely as a curdled, wheyed-off melted product, or favorably as an especially smooth, creamy, rich-appearing melted product.
3. Body a-nd Texture
1) Milkfat
Milkfat can give the "rich sensations" to ice creams, a-nd only a limited amount of substitution with other ingredients can be made without changing the c-haracteristics of products. Milkfat contributes a mellowness a-nd flavor as no other constituent can.
2) Milk Solids-Not-Fat
Milk solids-not-fat (SNF) contributes to flavor but are most important to the body a-nd texture of ice cream. Proteins bind water to act as stabilizers, have an emulsifying effect on the fat, a-nd give viscosity a-nd chewiness to the body. Milk solids also include salts a-nd lactose. If used in excessive amounts, milk solids cause a condensed-milk or milk protein flavor, but in most cases saltiness will be the limiting factor on the amount of milk solids that can be used.
3) Sweeteners
Sweeteners play an important role in any ice cream, a-nd the current trend is to add them in increasing quantities. They have three important functions: to give sweetness, to add to the solids content, a-nd to lower the freezing point so that the product is soft a-nd smooth at low temperatures. For many years the industry has taken it for granted that the desirable level for sweetness is 15%, based on consumer tests. Increased sweetness in fruit ice creams is particularly important. Because fruit acids depress the apparent sweetness a-nd because the added bulk of the fruit dilutes the mix, the body a-nd texture is poorer. The higher sugar level brings out the fruit flavor a-nd at the same time improves the body a-nd texture. Recent trends in the use of sweeteners have been to increase the amount of corn syrup or corn solids a-nd to use blends. Changes that result in a less expensive product are readily accepted.
4) Stabilizers
Gums of various kinds are useful as stabilizers in ice cream because of their c-haracteristic property of imbibing or absorbing large amounts of water. This c-haracteristic is effective in limiting the natural tendency of ice cream to become coarse in texture during storage. Numerous types of animal a-nd vegetable products have been found effective in ice cream a-nd as a result a considerable range of stabilizers is available on the market. The primary purpose of stabilizers is to maintain the smooth texture by inhibiting the formation a-nd growth of ice crystals, but other considerations are also important. Their effect on flavor, color, viscosity, whipping ability a-nd meltdown should also be considered.
5) Emulsifiers
Emulsifiers have become more uniform, more versatile, a-nd almost essential to modern ice cream manufacturing. They are especially useful in producing a stiff, dry product for specialty items, but they also have their place in regular manufacturing a-nd packaging operations. The ice cream is smoother, creamier, a-nd more melt-resistant when emulsifiers are used. However, excessive use causes an unnatural slickness, a partially churned appearance, a-nd product that does not melt. In some cases the flavor is adversely affected, too.
4. the Overall Acceptability of the Product by Consumers
The most important thing for a good ice cream product is the overall acceptability of the product by consumers. Only the product that being recognized by consumers is the high quality ice cream product.
More information about ice cream a-nd ice cream machines, welcome browse: SNOWBALLMACHINERY
1. The Appearance
The first thing to attract customers is appearance. It may be the appearance of the package, or it may be the color a-nd shape of the ice cream in the serving dish on the table. Appearance of the package is important, because obviously if the package is not attractive to prospective customers, they will even not buy it. The quality of the ice cream itself will never be e-valuated if the package does not attract interest.
The appearance of ice cream also includes the ice creams color. It has a marked psychological effect on acceptability of foods of all types, a-nd ice cream is no exception. Making our ice creams look delicious, it is a good start. Once the appetite is whetted a-nd a delightful flavor is anticipated, consumers are psychologically ready for a delicious taste sensation. But we can not only pay attention to appearance, the flavor is important too. If the flavor is not up to expectations, consumers will be disappointed a-nd will consider the product to be of poor quality.
2. Melting Quality
There is a minor factor affect the appearance - how the ice cream melts down (melt-down), it is normally noticed only in extreme cases - either adversely as a curdled, wheyed-off melted product, or favorably as an especially smooth, creamy, rich-appearing melted product.
3. Body a-nd Texture
1) Milkfat
Milkfat can give the "rich sensations" to ice creams, a-nd only a limited amount of substitution with other ingredients can be made without changing the c-haracteristics of products. Milkfat contributes a mellowness a-nd flavor as no other constituent can.
2) Milk Solids-Not-Fat
Milk solids-not-fat (SNF) contributes to flavor but are most important to the body a-nd texture of ice cream. Proteins bind water to act as stabilizers, have an emulsifying effect on the fat, a-nd give viscosity a-nd chewiness to the body. Milk solids also include salts a-nd lactose. If used in excessive amounts, milk solids cause a condensed-milk or milk protein flavor, but in most cases saltiness will be the limiting factor on the amount of milk solids that can be used.
3) Sweeteners
Sweeteners play an important role in any ice cream, a-nd the current trend is to add them in increasing quantities. They have three important functions: to give sweetness, to add to the solids content, a-nd to lower the freezing point so that the product is soft a-nd smooth at low temperatures. For many years the industry has taken it for granted that the desirable level for sweetness is 15%, based on consumer tests. Increased sweetness in fruit ice creams is particularly important. Because fruit acids depress the apparent sweetness a-nd because the added bulk of the fruit dilutes the mix, the body a-nd texture is poorer. The higher sugar level brings out the fruit flavor a-nd at the same time improves the body a-nd texture. Recent trends in the use of sweeteners have been to increase the amount of corn syrup or corn solids a-nd to use blends. Changes that result in a less expensive product are readily accepted.
4) Stabilizers
Gums of various kinds are useful as stabilizers in ice cream because of their c-haracteristic property of imbibing or absorbing large amounts of water. This c-haracteristic is effective in limiting the natural tendency of ice cream to become coarse in texture during storage. Numerous types of animal a-nd vegetable products have been found effective in ice cream a-nd as a result a considerable range of stabilizers is available on the market. The primary purpose of stabilizers is to maintain the smooth texture by inhibiting the formation a-nd growth of ice crystals, but other considerations are also important. Their effect on flavor, color, viscosity, whipping ability a-nd meltdown should also be considered.
5) Emulsifiers
Emulsifiers have become more uniform, more versatile, a-nd almost essential to modern ice cream manufacturing. They are especially useful in producing a stiff, dry product for specialty items, but they also have their place in regular manufacturing a-nd packaging operations. The ice cream is smoother, creamier, a-nd more melt-resistant when emulsifiers are used. However, excessive use causes an unnatural slickness, a partially churned appearance, a-nd product that does not melt. In some cases the flavor is adversely affected, too.
4. the Overall Acceptability of the Product by Consumers
The most important thing for a good ice cream product is the overall acceptability of the product by consumers. Only the product that being recognized by consumers is the high quality ice cream product.
More information about ice cream a-nd ice cream machines, welcome browse: SNOWBALLMACHINERY