Make Sure You Think About These Before Ice Cream Producing

As an ice cream manufacturer, there are some factors you have to think before ice cream production is started.
First of all, a-nd most importantly, regulatory issues. What are the product definitions for your legal jurisdiction? These, of course, have to be met.
Then, you have to make sure what kind of product are you trying to produce? The quality considerations. For example, the contents of fat, total solids, etc. The following data can be used as a reference:
Economy Bra-nds Ice Cream:
Fat content, usually legal minimum, e.g., 10%
Total solids, usually legal minimum, e.g., 36%
Overrun, usually legal maximum, ~120%
Cost, low
Sta-ndard Bra-nds Ice Cream:
Fat content, 10-12%
Total solids, 36-38%
Overrun, 100-120%
Cost, average
Premium Bra-nds Ice Cream:
Fat content, 12-15%
Total solids, 38-40%
Overrun, 60-90%
Cost, higher than average
Super-premium Bra-nds Ice Cream:
Fat content, 15-18%
Total solids, >40%
Overrun, 25-50%
Cost, high
The MSNF(milk solids not fat) ratio, it is usually determined next based on fat content. The glucose solids ratio is determined based on fat a-nd total solids requirements, sweetness, freezing point depression, body a-nd shelf life desired, a-nd cost considerations. The stabilizer/emulsifier considerations come last, based on the ice cream formulation, a-nd processing a-nd distribution factors involved in each application.
First of all, a-nd most importantly, regulatory issues. What are the product definitions for your legal jurisdiction? These, of course, have to be met.
Then, you have to make sure what kind of product are you trying to produce? The quality considerations. For example, the contents of fat, total solids, etc. The following data can be used as a reference:
Economy Bra-nds Ice Cream:
Fat content, usually legal minimum, e.g., 10%
Total solids, usually legal minimum, e.g., 36%
Overrun, usually legal maximum, ~120%
Cost, low
Sta-ndard Bra-nds Ice Cream:
Fat content, 10-12%
Total solids, 36-38%
Overrun, 100-120%
Cost, average
Premium Bra-nds Ice Cream:
Fat content, 12-15%
Total solids, 38-40%
Overrun, 60-90%
Cost, higher than average
Super-premium Bra-nds Ice Cream:
Fat content, 15-18%
Total solids, >40%
Overrun, 25-50%
Cost, high
The MSNF(milk solids not fat) ratio, it is usually determined next based on fat content. The glucose solids ratio is determined based on fat a-nd total solids requirements, sweetness, freezing point depression, body a-nd shelf life desired, a-nd cost considerations. The stabilizer/emulsifier considerations come last, based on the ice cream formulation, a-nd processing a-nd distribution factors involved in each application.