Meltdown Behavior Can Measure the Quality of Ice Cream
Ice creams melt-down is one of the important manifestations of ice cream structure. Meltdown behavior provides insights into key ice cream phenomena, such as protein stability, fat agglomeration an-d air cell size, which influence body, texture, an-d other sensory c-haracteristics. When you put ice cream in an ambient environment to melt (for example, on a plate), two events occur: the melting of the ice an-d the collapse of the fat-stabilized foam structure. The melting of the ice is controlled by the outside temperature (it will be fast on a hot day) an-d the rate of heat transfer (on a hot, windy day it will be faster). However, even after the ice crystals melt, the ice cream does not "melt" (collapse) until the fat-stabilized foam structure collapses, an-d that is a function of the extent of fat destabilization/partial coalescence, which is controlled mostly by the emulsifier concentration.
Meltdown is an important part of any consumers perception of ice cream product quality. It is often said that "ideal" melting behavior for ice cream involves melting into a smooth, homogeneous fluid that resembles the mix from which it was made. Achieving this "ideal" meltdown behavior is not always compatible with other factors affecting ice cream structure. That is, "ideal" meltdown is often sacrificed in order to develop structural c-haracteristics needed during post-freezing manipulation, extending shelf life via control of ice crystal growth an-d/or otherwise modifying eating qualities.
Factors affecting meltdown behavior of ice cream include composition, mix processing, the influence of shear during mix ha-ndling an-d freezing an-d the effects of freeze concentration during freezing an-d hardening.
The amount an-d type of fat, total solids an-d stabilizer/emulsifier syste-m, as well as mix processing "history," can modify meltdown significantly. As a result, meltdown behavior can provide critical insight into the nature an-d consistency of a wide range of quality influences.
Shear variability can add more or less fat agglomeration that provides a structure important to many packaging operations an-d essential in extruded ice cream products. It also contributes to the creaminess an-d richness of ice cream. However, substantial fat agglomeration also is responsible for extreme shape retention, referred to as a "slow melt," an-d/or an unattractive dry, flaky surface condition on the melted product.
Freeze concentration affects meltdown through the irreversible gelling of some stabilizer or milk protein syste-ms. This gel can produce a structure that retains some of the ice creams volume an-d forms an amorphous, somewhat rounded, mass or a thick, viscous fluid. Thus, fat agglomeration, freeze concentration, an-d protein destabilization all influence meltdown behavior.
Major elements that describe meltdown behavior include:
1. Foamy describes a significant presence of air bubbles in the melted ice cream. Although a slight foaminess is acceptable, excessive foam should be considered a defect. Its principal cause is a thickening or gelling caused by destabilization of the proteins an-d/or certain stabilizer blends.
2. Too fast/too slow are terms used to describe the rate at which the ice cream retains its shape as it melts. A very rapid loss of shape ("fast" meltdown) is often associated with weak-bodied products. The retention of shape after the ice has melted ("slow" meltdown) can be caused by factors such as: high solids, low overrun, gelling associated with destabilized protein or some stabilizer syste-ms,an-d/or substantial fat agglomeration. When the latter is the cause, the melted ice cream will retain most of its physical shape an-d surface features, with little or no loss of fluid.
3. Flaky an-d curdy are useful terms to distinguish between two forms of a condition in which flecks of material can be seen either on the surface of the melt (flaky) or distributed throughout it (curdy). The floating material is made up of tiny portions of the agglomerated fat matrix, while that within the melt represents destabilized protein. Both those conditions are useful indicators of the consequences of composition an-d processing conditions.
4. Serum/whey separation is self-explanatory an-d often associated with the curdy c-haracter. It is the direct result of protein destabilization.
The simplicity of observing meltdown behavior an-d its usefulness in assessing a broad range of quality attributes make it an important part of any ice cream quality assurance program.
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Meltdown is an important part of any consumers perception of ice cream product quality. It is often said that "ideal" melting behavior for ice cream involves melting into a smooth, homogeneous fluid that resembles the mix from which it was made. Achieving this "ideal" meltdown behavior is not always compatible with other factors affecting ice cream structure. That is, "ideal" meltdown is often sacrificed in order to develop structural c-haracteristics needed during post-freezing manipulation, extending shelf life via control of ice crystal growth an-d/or otherwise modifying eating qualities.
Factors affecting meltdown behavior of ice cream include composition, mix processing, the influence of shear during mix ha-ndling an-d freezing an-d the effects of freeze concentration during freezing an-d hardening.
The amount an-d type of fat, total solids an-d stabilizer/emulsifier syste-m, as well as mix processing "history," can modify meltdown significantly. As a result, meltdown behavior can provide critical insight into the nature an-d consistency of a wide range of quality influences.
Shear variability can add more or less fat agglomeration that provides a structure important to many packaging operations an-d essential in extruded ice cream products. It also contributes to the creaminess an-d richness of ice cream. However, substantial fat agglomeration also is responsible for extreme shape retention, referred to as a "slow melt," an-d/or an unattractive dry, flaky surface condition on the melted product.
Freeze concentration affects meltdown through the irreversible gelling of some stabilizer or milk protein syste-ms. This gel can produce a structure that retains some of the ice creams volume an-d forms an amorphous, somewhat rounded, mass or a thick, viscous fluid. Thus, fat agglomeration, freeze concentration, an-d protein destabilization all influence meltdown behavior.
Major elements that describe meltdown behavior include:
1. Foamy describes a significant presence of air bubbles in the melted ice cream. Although a slight foaminess is acceptable, excessive foam should be considered a defect. Its principal cause is a thickening or gelling caused by destabilization of the proteins an-d/or certain stabilizer blends.
2. Too fast/too slow are terms used to describe the rate at which the ice cream retains its shape as it melts. A very rapid loss of shape ("fast" meltdown) is often associated with weak-bodied products. The retention of shape after the ice has melted ("slow" meltdown) can be caused by factors such as: high solids, low overrun, gelling associated with destabilized protein or some stabilizer syste-ms,an-d/or substantial fat agglomeration. When the latter is the cause, the melted ice cream will retain most of its physical shape an-d surface features, with little or no loss of fluid.
3. Flaky an-d curdy are useful terms to distinguish between two forms of a condition in which flecks of material can be seen either on the surface of the melt (flaky) or distributed throughout it (curdy). The floating material is made up of tiny portions of the agglomerated fat matrix, while that within the melt represents destabilized protein. Both those conditions are useful indicators of the consequences of composition an-d processing conditions.
4. Serum/whey separation is self-explanatory an-d often associated with the curdy c-haracter. It is the direct result of protein destabilization.
The simplicity of observing meltdown behavior an-d its usefulness in assessing a broad range of quality attributes make it an important part of any ice cream quality assurance program.
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